From classic games to spontaneous performances, making campfire entertainment has never been so easy!

Read on to discover our easy campfire entertainment ideas!

Who am I?

A great game for any little campers is 'Who am I? using sticking notes to label each persons forehead with a famous person or character. Answer Yes or No questions to determine who you are and to make it extra exciting you can set a limit for how many questions can be asked.

'I went to the shop and bought...'

A classic memory game for all the family is 'I went to the shops and bought' game. This game works the memory, as you have to remember all the items someone has said, then add your own and try and remember all of these until the next round. The game usually ends when no-one can remember whether every item has been said, and then it starts all over again.

Why not adapt to 'I went camping and brought with me' for an interesting spin on a classic kids game!

Card games

Successful kids games are always the easiest that all ages can get involved in. Snap and Uno are classics for a reason and easy to pick up if never played before. From 2+ players you can have the whole campsite entertained in no time!

Campsite quiz

Why not prepare a camping quiz for the whole family to get involved on your next holiday? Create each category with a different them ie. Celebrities, Food, sports and TV to all sit around the campfire and answer in teams. You could also arrange a prize for the top scorers and a forfeit for the losers. Why not who does the washing up for the losing team?


Playing charades can make great campfire entrainment. You will need two teams and a category such as movies, books or songs and write these down on a slip of paper. Jumble up and place in a bucket or hat and take it in turns to act out the phrase without speaking. The opposite team will need to guess the phrase to win a point for their team. Don't forget to keep track of the points!

Two Truths and a Lie

To play the game two truths and a lie, each player takes turns sharing three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one is a lie. The others players then have to guess which statement is the lie. This is a fun and easy game to play around the campfire. Top tip - try and use an outrageous truth to throw off the other players!


Consider putting on a performance to create your campfire entertainment. See our list below of performance ideas:

  • Talent show
  • Acting out scenes from your favourite book
  • Magic tricks
  • Impersonating family members
  • Comedy sketch
  • Dance
A final note from us

So that completes our list of campfire entertainment ideas. By following our handy guide you now have a bucket full of ideas to keep everyone happy on the campsite!

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Header Image from UnSplash from Mike Erskine